Wednesday, January 16, 2008

AS sums it up for me

and succinctly at that:

"My case amounts to concerns that she would entrench a cynicism in politics that's wrong for the times, that her polarization and trust issues are insurmountable, and that eight years in a White House should be enough for any power couple."

And he's a conservative. The fact is that I do not, like many Righties and some Lefties, believe that Hillary is evil, or a criminal, or even wrong in her convictions. I think she is a person with tremendous intellect and ideals, but ultimately, is a leftover from a by-gone era of cultural struggle between two different political philosophies.

Though their ultimate expression is still in the White House, the partisan wars of the 90's are, for the most part, over. And while Hillary still tries to win old battles, Obama wants to begin his Marshall plan for American politics.

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