Tuesday, October 7, 2008

McCain's Base Even Thinks Negative is a Negative

Rich Lowry at NRO:

Otherwise, the race might take on the cast of the 1992 campaign. In the midst of economic discontent, George H.W. Bush ran against Bill Clinton on character and experience. Clinton pledged to fix the economy. Bush had little or nothing to offer the middle class, while Clinton (like Obama this year) promised those voters a tax cut.

So, by all means, McCain should highlight Obama’s troubling friendships, but he has to be careful. If it’s the candidate of “change” versus the candidate of “change the subject,” he’ll lose in an electoral landslide.
Full article here.

Remember, this is his BASE talking. There's time left, but it looks like the realization of a loss, and possibly a big one, is starting to hit the extended Right apparatus.

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