Friday, October 3, 2008

NYC Cop Who Abused His Power Found Dead

I was going to write something snarky and juvenile about police here. But you know what, I really am sorry for his family, as losing a son, brother, and husband is a terrible thing to bear.

That being said, he really did abuse his power, and more importantly, abused a citizen while in a position of authority. The NYPD has essentially encouraged these types of actions for decades by turning a blind eye to them. What changed this time? A camera was around. More and more the abuses of the NYPD are coming to light via citizen video. At some point I hope there will be another "Serpico" type moment, when the department is, at least for a little while, reigned in and cleaned up.

As a family member of a police officer, I understand that it is a difficult job. I also understand the value of a police force (once I grew out of my teenage fascination with anarchy). Like all things in government, however, when power overtakes protection as the overarching priority, something needs to change.

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